Steve Dorling
Born 2nd Feb 1954, passed away 12th December 2015
Gone but never to be forgotten!

I had the privilege of knowing and working with Steve for many years, and was fortunate to count him as a friend, a real friend. Steve’s early background was in communications with the RAF, spending time at Bletchley, Cheadle and on the Ascension Islands, he was a lifelong modeller cutting his teeth on control line, and eventually moving up to radio control, where he enjoyed powered flight, both i/c and electric, and slope soaring gliders.
He had an extensive knowledge on all matters modelling; he was a Modeller’s Modeller, a total enthusiast, happy to discuss and help anyone who asked and showed a real interest, but he was much, much more than that! He was a very talented man; an accomplished watercolour artist, a musician and a founding member of the group Meanderthals, and a talented photographer. One of his other passions was the motorbike, not just riding them, although he was a biker of distinction, but the workings of them, he loved the internal combustion engine in all its forms!
It was through his mechanical prowess and knowledge that lead me to commission Steve as a regular columnist/contributor to RC Model World back in the 90s, where he soon established an enviable reputation as a superb writer. Steve had a wonderful command of the English language and was able to express himself in a unique and entertaining way, although his descriptive prose did provide me, as his Editor, with an occasional challenge!
I know Steve is going to be greatly missed by all the regular model show goers, be they visitors or traders and the members of the various organisations and clubs Steve supported. His distinctive appearance, Gandalf to many, his enthusiastic product demonstrations along the flight line and his mischievous sense of humour, we all have fond memories of one of life’s true characters, taken from us far to soon.
Our deepest condolences go to his lovely wife, Linda, his son Chris and all his family members and friends.

Peter Dawson.

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One Response to Steve Dorling

  1. Gerard Bleekman says:

    Dear Aeromodeller friends,
    I just read about the dead of Steve Dorling.I knew Steve for several years because of the fact that he was the Chief Editor of the Aviation Modeller International (AMI) magazine.It’s a great lost for everybody special his family and friends,but also for everybody who knew Steve as a friend.Steve was a great man in modelling and in many other disciplines.
    His friendship and knowledge about modelling and the model plane magazine AMI will always be with me.
    Gerard Bleekman.

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