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6 Responses to Guide to Building from Plans

  1. Maurice Koroniak says:

    When building from plans it is often necessary to verify proportions and angles. This is particularly important for free flight. Percentage areas of the wing for the stabilizier and fin are important for stability. Incidence angles for the wing and stabilizer are crucial. Generally downthrust and side thrust are needed but rarely illustrated on a plan. It is often left to the adjustment side. The adjustment side is not documented. You can often lose a model because the plan and the final model differ strongly in these respects. Dihedral should be checked for realism and appropriateness.

    For older plans, you should check for obsolete components and materials. Finally, you should judge the appropriateness of the structure. Is it strong enough? Is there reinforcement in the right ares? And so on.

  2. Maurice Koroniak says:

    Kit plans often have the same ommisions. They should be inspected just as closely. In addition kits often have heavy plastic parts that look good but are too heavy for flying. You should substitute lighter parts.

  3. Roy Carson says:

    Where did you get those pins?

  4. richard moore says:

    I like the pins also. Had a look around – Czeck modelling pins! I want some, so I’m off to ebay!!

  5. Mick Broughton says:

    They are indeed Czech. modelling pins, from Mike Woodhouse here:
    In the tools section. They are particularly thin compared to a normal T pin; useful for smaller sections of balsa, as is the case here, the model being only around 24″ span.

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