Aero Modeller, the World’s only dedicated magazine covering Free Flight, Control Line, Indoor Flying and RC for the traditional aircraft building modeller is back in 2012!

Every issue features building articles, features on plans, meeting reports, club information and the latest news and products for modellers.

Subscribe now to secure your copy of the re-launch issue out October 2012!

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36 Responses to Aero Modeller Is Back!

  1. John Feeley says:

    I had a subscription to Aeromodeller which was put on hold – will this be reactivated now?

    • admin says:

      Hi there – yes you have 7 issues to go on your subscription – but if you want to add another 6 issues by taking a further sub that would be great…
      Many thanks for your support
      Aero Modeller

      • Alan Sayers says:

        I want to know if you will concentrate on entry modelling ,suitable for youngsters who want to start model building, like plans for small rubber/ electric powered craft(achilles type),also small engines. and small control line.
        I am not interested in another magazine that concentrates on large electric powered artf craft. Also please price clearly.

        • admin says:

          Dear Alan
          We are aiming to focus on true modelling – no ready to fly kits etc. Yes we will be running getting started in modelling features too so I think the magazine will serve your requirements – please send a list of what you like to see and I’ll pass it on to the editor.
          Alan Harman

  2. Bob Raymount says:

    Hi guys,

    Will Aero Modeller by available for download to Ipad? Will certainly subscbribe but wanted to check first.

    • admin says:

      Hi Bob
      Yes it definitely will – it is with Apple for approval now – also will be available for android and for pc viewing.
      Search aeromodeller on the app store closer to launch date October 18th.
      Alan Harman

  3. Malcolm Element says:

    I bought a classic motor cycle mag..they were giving with it a reprint of a motor cycle mag from 1952 !!….diamond anniversary and all that……will aeromodeller think about including a reprint of an old aeromodeller mag from th 50’s? or even the first one issued !!

    • admin says:

      Dear Malcolm
      I think that is a brilliant idea – I will look into it! We also want to do an Aeromodeller annual…
      Any more good ideas let me them!
      Alan Harman

  4. John Graham says:

    Will Aeromodeller be available in newsagents such as WHSmith?

    • admin says:

      Dear John
      I hope the answer to that is yes – it might be a selected 300 or so but it is not decided for sure just yet, we would appreciate interested readers taking a subscription if possible..
      Alan Harman

  5. Hugh Andrews says:

    Hi, I am so glad to hear that Aeromodeller is to return.I trust that it will concentrate on “real” aeromodellers who build from kits or scratch build.Please please please no ARTF. What about a “Where are they now column like we had many years ago.It would be nice to catch up with my old mates from Worthing Bald Eagles of which I was a founder member.Anyway good luck ,I will be having a subsciption. Hugh(Jay) Andrews

    • admin says:

      ARTF whats that?? ;-)

      Well you might be surprised with what we have in mind.
      You know the saying great minds think alike!

    • David Cutler says:

      Hi Hugh. I was a member of Worthing Bald Eagles from about 62 to 67 (ish), and remember people like Bas Bumstead, Mick Hill Smith, Rolly Lelliot, Neil Tidy, John Downey, Derek Woodley, Ron, Jerry, and went to many Nats in that time, including Hullavington. Do you remember any of these, and if so, do you have any idea what they are doing now? Great to see you here (if I am a bit late in replying!) – By all means use my email address to contact me. David Cutler

  6. Kevin Morgan says:

    It would be great if there was a free plan now and again – like there used to be before. Small free flight or occasional control line. The idea of an old issue is spendid, maybe as a ‘treat’ in the December issues and something to look forward too as is the revival of the AM annual. I am putting together an OD stunter, 0.46 powered, which if it proves to be competitive you are wellcome to if of any use. Wishing you all the best with this new endeavor.

  7. David Leeding says:

    I will be waiting with bated breath for the first issue, if it is OK then I will beome a regular subscriber so it is over to you. I endorse most of the comments and suggestions made and hope that they are seriously considered.

  8. John Whiteside says:

    Well done and good luck with the venture… I had been taking Aeromodeller since 1956 so I missed it…. check out some of the early issues… that is the standard or better that we want! As part of the Barton Control Line Team I hope you will feature some control line, we have a great facility and Aeromodeller would be just the boost control line needs. If people can read about a subject they will want to have a go! Cheers JCW

    • admin says:

      Many thanks
      We have an entire back catalogue available to us, many who are involved have also been involved previously with Aeromodeller.
      We want Aeromodeller to be just like it was before.

  9. Walter Snowdon says:

    Congratulations on this venture. I have been a model maker for 63 years now and sadly watched the demise of Model aircraft and Aeromodeller which I took every month until their demise. I stopped getting Radio modeling type magazines as they were only carriages for the trade- endless uncritical reviews of plastic boxes with little or nothing in the way of inovative articles. (I have canvased a large number if friends who also stopped getting the present crop of magazines for the same reason).
    If you copy the format of Aeromodellers from the 50s and 60s you wont go far wrong! The hobby lacks young people so a series on simple aeromodelling could well atract new blood into a literaly dying hobby.On a different vein, The last couple of years has seen the passing of modeling legends largely ignored in the press. VIC SMEED in particular. A book on his designs is long overdue, especialy one reprinting all his plan articles from previous magazines. It would sell well worldwide as he is not only a legend here. Please, not one of those supplimemts which is all adverts and no substance! Worth thinking about? Also is this to be a monthly or bimonthly mag?. IT seems unclear as does the pricing. More details please. Regards, Walter.

  10. Fotios Spiridonos says:

    Waiting with great anticipation for October 18, 2012.

    Would love to see free plans for rubber, free flight and control line.

    From the Antipodes,
    Bring it on!

  11. Ernst Schlachter says:

    Hello Alan
    Please send me Aeromodellers account or email address so that I can pay my subscription.
    In the cart is only 30£ mentioned
    Kind regards

  12. David Head says:

    Great news! I will be subscribing straight away. Down here in Australia we run groups called the “Mens Shed” where mostly over 40’s meet each month and build simple models that you can complete in a couple of hours. It’s a trip back to our childhood before ARF plastics killed off the achievement of “building it yourself”. How about some plans of your old ROG rubber models?. Please also include model rocketry(growing rapidly in Oz) projects and competition details. I love the idea of reprinting old AM’s even in a smaller size, or even put some on the web for subscribers so we can enjoy them once again.

  13. Digby Woods says:

    As soon as I know when the new Aeromodeller is to appear, to which I am very much looking forward, I will send in my subscription. Hope all goes well.

  14. John Quinn says:

    This is to me, very good news.

    Please don’t get me wrong, I have loved taking (RC) Model Flyer, and AMI over the years (I always have time for Ken S.’s editorials).

    It’s a free country, and we model enthusiasts are all on the same team, whether we go out and buy large RC RTF’s or have a go at some KK, West Wings, or Guillows — why not do both?

    However, I feel that on a practical level, it is a good idea to have a publication majoring in FF, CL, Indoor, and RC for people who build (hence the title ‘Aeromodeller’).

    I am now 49, but dipped my toes a couple of years ago into re-entering the hobby.
    I built a WW ‘Olympian’, and this flew beautifully, pretty well ‘off the board’.

    I am looking forward to reading a publication aimed at people who love to actually make their own models — and surely the quality of kits for trad. free flight (see replikit & West Wings etc.) is far higher than the ‘die-crushed’ and spodgy thick ink of yesteryear. (Not forgetting own design).

    Finally, it these days of social networking, let us birds of a feather all get together and meet up and do some model flying (rules and insurance permitting of course).

    Best wishes to all.


  15. John E. Bashford says:

    My collection of Aeromodeller dates back to 1950, I worked at a Worthing model shop in the ’50’s and ’60’s and was a member of the Worthing Bald Eagles Model Aero Club. We had fantastic fun building and flying our models then, and I still do now, as a member of the Crawley and District Model Aircraft Club. My interest has always been in Control Line flying. I have already subscribed to the new Aeromodeller and would like to wish you every success with this project. We must all do what we can to promote ‘real’ aeromodelling.

    • David Cutler says:

      John Bashford! There’s a name from the past!.

      It’s David Cutler. Remember me? I live in Los Angeles now, and fly at our local flying field which is a purpose built concrete runway in the San Fernando Valley here in California. We can fly all year round because of the weather. I only got back into flying after many decades because everything seemed so cheap here in the States, and, of course, fly radio now. Things have changed. Computerised radio. Four stroke engines. Jets etc.
      Great to see your name in here! David.

  16. barry wetherell says:

    I am glad sense previaled, it would be sad loss to see AEromodeller, “no more”, it has been the backbone of aeromodeling as long as I can remember and that goes back to1957, so well done all of those who make it happen

  17. KEVIN DODGSON says:

    This is such great news. Could you tell me if Aeromodeller will be available in Smiths again, I can not take a subscription as I travel a lot. Will the old aeromodeller plans service be making a come back. thanks Kevin.

    • admin says:

      Yes Aeromodeller will be in approximately 200 WHSmiths, we will publish a list of shops on this website before the first issue is launch so you know where to go…
      Yes we are working on new plans and will be making some old plans available on this website.

  18. Stuart Darmon says:

    I really feel that re-launching Aeromodeller is a worthy project, not just for sentiment’s sake, but also means of encouraging subscribers to take an interest in aspests of the hobby that they may not be directly involved with- If you buy a paper magazine as opposed to browsing a website, you’re far more likely to read all the content, and thereby broaden your outlook and knowledge. As a kid I bought AM for the sport and scale coverage, but found I loved reading the contest reports, both FF and CL, which I sincerely hope will feature in the new incarnation. Of course this means people will have to contribute, and I for one would be happy to do so if it would help.

  19. Darren Knowles says:

    I for one am glad that this publication is back.I hope it encompasses elements from old magazines..not just for nostalgia but also for the useful hints and tips that have been lost over time and would be useful to the newer members of this hobby.
    Today micro radio control is the mainstay of ready made model products and this has brought new blood into this hobby .This publication I hope will allow these new modelers to look at other aspects of the sphere of aeromodelling and maybe stimulate the creative side of the younger members of our society helping them foster the skills and creative talents that this country once had.There is also the guys who have done all the radio control challenges and now looking for a new challenge or to revisit their youth.In my own case ive done most aspects of radio control from ARTFs to building from plans and now about to build a rubber powered Shorts Stirling bomber from A J Towners plan.So please no ARTFS(theres plenty of other sources for these).I would like to see updated construction and covering methods on established methods e.g…does this water-based dope work?? ,how to strip finer types of balsa,grades of balsa etc.Good luck !!

  20. Brian Eastwood says:

    Any new date set for the release of the mag?
    payed my sub 5 months ago.

    • admin says:

      Hi Brian first issue was mailed this week so hope you should receive it very soon.
      Many thanks for your patience, official on sale date in WHSmiths is December 13th
      AeroModeller Team

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