AERO-MOD-002-COVER-PROOFHere’s some bonus coverage from issue number 002 of the new AeroModeller (number 920 since first publication) it includes some downloads and links to information connected to the second issue:

Editor’s contact information: Steve Higginson

If you would like to purchase the Midget Mustang plan as featured in issue 002 see details here: Midget Mustang Plan

Free Full Size plan pdf download for the Pudgey Bostonian featured in issue 002: Pudgey Plan

Here’s the general Bostonian rules to download: Bostonian General Rules

Here’s the up and coming dates for 2013: UP AND COMING Calender of Events

Here’s some extra photos from the F1D Junior Champs

Here’s the BMFA 2013 calendar: BMFA CALENDAR 2013

Here’s the FAI F1 Sporting Code: FAI F1 Sporting Code © FAI

BMFA website:

AMA website:

NFFS website:

BMFA Radio-Assist F/F Guidelines: Here

FAI Sporting Code Section 4 Aeromodelling:

BMFA C/L NATS Combat Final:

AeroModeller calendar of events: AeroModeller Calendar of Events

2012 SAM 35 Tasuma Vintage Power duration: 2012 SAM 35 – TASUMA Vintage Power Duration Rules

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5 Responses to BONUS COVERAGE from Issue 2 (920)

  1. Simon Morecroft says:

    Just received issue 2. Great stuff. Unfortunately, it arrived on a day of heavy rain and got pretty soggy hanging out of our mail box. If possible, please use more weatherproof envelopes in future.

    I like the print version for posterity and the iPad version for ease of use. Any chance of a subscription deal for both formats?

    • admin says:

      Sorry to hear about your soggy issue. Its very rare we have damaged issues.
      We used to use plastic wrapping but we got more complaints that people could see the magazines then the white envelopes.
      We cannot offer a deal on both as the online edition is run through a third party.

  2. Marc Bird says:

    Received the second issue and it’s grand. Read the AeroPost “In a State” and must admit, my first response was…

    “Och!” (Ask yer mum.)

    I have a green wool Donegal 8-panel tweed cap and if I can find it I’ll post it off to you as an alternate to the bowler.

    It’s quite beyond me, but I am gaining an affinity for diesel engines, having purchased a cracking Mills January last, and a PAW .19 R/C TBR prior to that. Shows I’m not a completely hopeless Yank!

    Slan go foill agus siochan leat,

    M. Bird, esq (presently)

  3. Nick Zotov says:

    I agree with Simon Morecoft about having a combined hard copy and iPad subscription. Present contractual arrangements may not permit that – but I suggest that be reviewed for the future. Great 2nd issue – exceeded my expectations.

  4. Gerard York says:

    Delighted to note that Nick Zotov is alive and well! Aeromodeller bridges the years!

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