Here’s some bonus coverage from issue number 001 of the new AeroModeller (number 919 since first publication) it includes some downloads and links to information connected to the first issue:

Editor’s contact information: Steve Higginson

If you would like to purchase the A-26 plan as featured in issue 001 see details here: A-26 Plan

Here’s the 3-view scale drawings pdf download for the A-26: A26 3-view

Free Full Size plan pdf download for the Senator featured in issue 001: ARFA Senator Plan

Full details on the pop up Dethermaliser for the Senator: Dethermaliser Details

You can purchase a set of Laser cut parts for the Senator here: Laser Parts

If you are a Junior BMFA member in the UK send your name and address plus BMFA membership number to us here for a FREE set of Senator parts! FREE PARTS

Enter our Senator ePostal competition: ARFA Senator ePostal Rules

Compressed Air Motors feature contact: John Morrill

Junior Champs entry list and results:

Control Line World Championship results:

House of FROG contact:

Southern Coupe League:

Euro Challenge F1G:

F1H Glider:

F1J Power/:

The Plugge Cup 2012:

2012 Free Flight World Cup:

Parra Wasp Supplier:

BMFA website:

AMA website:

NFFS website:

BMFA Radio-Assist F/F Guidelines: Here

FAI Sporting Code Section 4 Aeromodelling:

J. Oliver Engines factory in Hinckley:


BMFA C/L NATS Combat Final:

Vic Smeed plans list: Vic Smeed All Plans

Vic Smeed rules: Vic Smeed Rules

UK Contest calendar: UK Contest Calendar

AeroModeller calendar of events: AeroModeller Calendar of Events

2012 SAM 35 Tasuma Vintage Power duration: 2012 SAM 35 – TASUMA Vintage Power Duration Rules

2013 1cc MEPS rules: 2013 1cc MEPS rules

V2 Junior Champs: V2 Junior Champs Website

Free Flight Supplies, Mike Woodhouse: Email

V3 Taron CIMG5043

V3 Sevak CIMG5043

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5 Responses to BONUS COVERAGE from Issue 1 (919)

  1. Jörgen Daun says:

    Hi I must say Iliked the “new Aeromodeller” , I would like to see a test betveen an MP jet classic 0,6 and a couple of Mills 0,75 in the near future.

    Best regards Jörgen Daun
    ps I am an Mills and Tomboy man

  2. Gerard York says:

    Greetings and Happy New Year! Just a point-please monitor the website and remove all out of date information, otherwise it looks like nobody is looking after the site. The example is the note about the Shuttleworth 8th-9th meeting- Over- so remove the reference. Regards Gerry York.

  3. Mr B.G Anderson says:

    Fantastic to see Aeromodeller back on the shelves.I have been reading my fathers backissues of the same publication dating back to the early eighties and also from the mid to late fifties,to gather info regarding control line flying and everything to do with C/L.I can now read about this in an upto date version.I have just finished reading the article about UK Vintage Combat in the july/august edition, which left me wondering, where would it be possible to obtain plans/wood-packs/kits, for the combat aircraft outlined in the article.Do the Aeromodeller team produce such products?Is it possible to purchase an Anduril kit in the UK,for instance?Is the old MAP plans service still in operation? Anyway,good luck and best wishes for the future and keep it going.Regards. B.G Anderson.

  4. Jörgen Daun says:

    Hi I must say ilike the dec/jan issue the small diesel eng but most of all how to cover with help of the odorless Ezeddope I want to know have anyone tryed on silk polyspan tissue over mylar?? It is a major step forward if it does .Sinse I retired I live in an apartment and cant use ordinary nitro dope that will kill my wife and my two cat,s and I dont that yet.
    Regards Jörgen.

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